
Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

This Monday I have a lot to be happy about: I'm into my final two weeks at my current job, we close on our house tomorrow (eeee!), and last night I somehow ran five miles without even meaning to.  And now it's time for Sheila's Monday meme!

Last week I finished Under the Dome and wrote my review.

Now I've started The Help, which I'm absolutely loving, but life has gotten so busy that I can't seem to read more than a few pages at a time.  As much as I don't want to, I may need to wait and read this when I can devote more brain power to it (read: after we've moved).  The good news, though, is that I'm less than a hundred pages in and can already tell I would be happy to spend my money and buy this one.

Maybe it's the rain, but I'm feeling rather sleepy today.  I'm off to get some coffee and enjoy the feeling that in just over 24 hours, Keith and I will be homeowners!  So tell me, what are you reading this week?


  1. The Help looks good - I'll have to put that on my Goodreads TBR list!

    Also: I blogged about you today! :)

    Good luck with the closing!

  2. It as been raining here on and off for days. I too am sleepy. The Help is a wonderful novel, enjoy! My MOnday:

  3. While I am a huge a fan of King's early novels, I have not read any of his stuff in many years. I did read your review though and I do not think I will be reading this one either. I do hope you are enjoy Chains. Love that book and can't wait for Forge to be released.

  4. I just picked up a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It's the first of the series that I haven't read yet, so I'm excited. I'm going to try to finish the series before the last movie comes out. I'm also try to finish Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert, but I had to temporarily return it to the library.

    Good luck with the move!

  5. We had a rainy weekend but looks like this week will be fair a little cooler than I like but.... oh well.

    Have a super week!

  6. Nicole, that's one of my favorites. Enjoy it! And thanks to everyone who's commented! You guys make my day. :-)

  7. I really enjoyed The Help. We read it for our book club and had alot of good discussion. I just started a new self-help book called "Loving in the Moment" by Gina Lake. It's about not passing judgement, spiritual happiness and how to move beyond romantic illusions. It's giving me alot to think about.

  8. Congrats on your new home! That's so exciting!

  9. Enjoy The Help - it's wonderful!

  10. Ooooh. I'm reading "As We Forgive" - a friend mailed it to me and I'm attempting to read on the bus (last time I did it I made myself a bit ill. eek) :)

  11. I'd say drop what you are doing and finish The Help, but closing on a house and moving into said house are kind of important (congratulations). You won't be disappointed when you do have time to get back to it.
