Today, I'm participating in a giveaway opportunity hosted by Rebecca at The Book Lady's Blog. She recently reviewed Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation by Elissa Stein and Susan Kim. Now I don't normally go for non-fiction books that look to be like a lot of dense facts. However, this one looks hilarious (and really, when you're talking about periods, what else can you do but laugh?) and it is now sitting at the top of my wishlist. Rebecca has three copies to give away, and one of the ways to be entered is to submit your own personal story relating to periods. Sound fun? Are you mortified? Intrigued? Moving on to the next blog? Whether you think talking about periods is completely taboo or the next best thing, I've decided participating in Rebecca's giveaway is a great way to learn a little bit too much about each other, and revel in the camaraderie we all share (however unhappily) every month. So here goes.
I used to subscribe to the belief that women should be ashamed when they purchase a box of tampons or pads at the store along with all of their other items. I would purposefully pick a checkout lane with a female employee and rush through the transaction as quickly as possible.
This was reinforced when one day I happened to pick a lane that was just about to switch shifts, and the female employee who was about to leave glanced at what I was purchasing, quickly dismissed the male employee who was about to switch with her, and rang me up. I was so grateful to her, but then I started to ask myself, "Why?"
From then on, I've worked at becoming a more confident, tampon-purchasing woman. I don't pick the checkout lane specifically for the gender of the employee working it, and I've even been known to make eye contact when that pretty pink box is sliding across the scanner. I'm not perfect; I still sigh heavily when I know it's time to make that purchase, but I'm working at someday being able to walk into the grocery store and announce, "Today I'm buying TAMPONS!" Or, more likely, not try to hide them under the bag of Snickers bars.
This is great, and I can completely relate! I'm comfortable buying tampons, no problem...but condoms? Not so much. I'm working on it, though. Thanks for entering the giveaway and taking a risk!
ReplyDeleteI used to be like that, too -- always scouting out a female employee to ring up my feminine products and totally embarrassed! But now, I figure -- meh. I'm a healthy 24-year-old woman. I get periods. It's no secret. I'm not broadcasting it on the PA or wearing the pads on my head, so who cares who sees me buying them? :)
ReplyDeleteThe first time you got your period we didn't have any pads in the house. I was on my way to the store to get them for you and backed into the side of Ken's car!
ReplyDeleteI've been getting my period for 30 or so years and I still wait until the line's pretty empty before actually buying anything. Sad, but true.
ReplyDeleteI totally know how you feel. I always tried to get my supplies when I was doing my regular grocery shopping so it wasn't exactly proclaiming "Oh yes, I have my period right now." Unlike a shopping cart that includes say, a box of tampons, Midol, cookies, and chips. :)
ReplyDeleteHowever, it's been a long while since I've had to do that (hint: check out the Diva cup...may just change your life - and your relationship to your body).
Hey Amy, nice avatar!
ReplyDeleteI found you thru Blog Hop and am now a brand new follower!
I do I hear you! As a teen, I would always look for a woman at the checkout. One day, I was in line, and right when my order was next, the cashier ended her shift, and a gorgeous guy took her place. At 17, I just wanted to die. Oh, how many years ago that was, and how we change with age. :) My DD doesn't have the same attitude. She could care less who checks her out. Good for her!
ReplyDeleteI came her through Blog Hop and love your blog so much, I'm a now a follower.
Have a great evening!
Tweezle from Just One More Paragraph
Really beautiful blog-I found your blog via the blog hop and am a follower now
ReplyDeleteI think they talked about this on The View a few weeks ago.
ReplyDeletelkish77123 at gmail dot com
Thank you all for participating in the conversation! It's nice to know we all go through pretty much the same thing when it comes to buying those pesky necessities.