
Friday, April 16, 2010


Well obviously I didn't post my review of Of Mice and Men (yes, I'm cringing at that wording) on Tuesday like I said I was going to.  Apparently, I didn't get my butt in gear.  Not only that, but I didn't post it Wednesday, or yesterday, and I don't plan on posting it today.  But this weekend, oh well now, that's a different story!

We had a bit of an issue with our mortgage loan this week and it absolutely consumed me.  I couldn't concentrate on anything besides that, and I really didn't think anything was more important.  Now I think that issue has been or is being cleared up, so I can go back to breathing normally and briefly focusing my energy on other things.  Let's take a peek at what those things might be.

Really, truly get that review posted.  And make it a good one.  I'm going to tap into my  inner student and try to remember all those big words that got me As in college.  (Psst: I've already returned the book and I don't think I took very good notes.  While I really will try to post a thoughtful, intellectual review, I may just be psyching myself up here.)

I would love to make a good dent in the last half of Under the Dome.   It's taken me about a week and a half to get through 550 pages, and I still have another 550 to go.  I'm intrigued enough to see it through to the end, but I can only take so much deprivation of humanity per day.  My motivation to power through: my hold on The Help expires on Sunday.

I want to post about the two wonderful new things that I've bought and used in the last week that have made my Spring running routine absolutely wonderful!  Pictures would help, though, so I'll have to work on that.

And finally, I have an appointment at the eye doctor tomorrow (love that they're open on Saturday) to make sure this new contact prescription is going to work out.  I like that I can see clearly now, but I'm kind of wondering if this annoying there's-something-in-my-eye feeling is going to continue.  They changed the axis of the contact (stupid astigmatism) and now I feel like it's over on the right side of the contact.  Very annoying.

And that, in a nutshell, is my weekend.  Hopefully it's also filled with running, play time with Lizzie, and some wonderful relaxation.  Don't forget that today is the Book Blogger Hop over at Crazy for Books!


  1. I'm here from the hop! I haven't read OF MICE AND MEN... Actually, I haven't read many of the classics. (hangs head in shame)

  2. i just found your blog on the blog hop and it is wonderful! i love your chatty, conversational writing style! i am having trouble writing this as i keep getting distracted by the fabulous books that keep popping up on the librarything square. i loved francine prose's reading like a writer. great blog!

  3. Hello, I'm here from the Hop! I love your background. It's so unique! Anyways, have a great weekend.

    from Une Parole

  4. Hi!! I'm stopping by from the blogger hop! your blog is great!

  5. Hi. Found you via the Book Bloggers Hop. Great site.
