
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Album Cover

Here's how to create your own album cover! (Borrowed from Library Chicken and others.)
  • The first article title on the Wikipedia Random Articles page is the name of your band.
  • The last four words of the very last quotation on the Random Quotations page is the title of your album.
  • Use the Random Word Generator to generate a word.
  • Use the word to search FlickrStorm (creative commons licensed photos) and the third picture will be your album cover.
  • Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together and post the result [I used picnik for the first time and loved it!].
My article title: Languages of Brazil
Random Quotation: "I am in earnest; I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard." ~William Lloyd Garrison
Random Word: Rung
Image: by bocavermelha-l.b.

Alright, I'll confess. I may have randomly searched a couple of times until I got something worthwhile. In my defense, the first random article was in a language I couldn't pronounce, and my random word just gave me a bunch of bridges and my first random quotation was okay, but not great. This, I feel, is much better.

Thanks to Library Chicken for introducing me to picnik by way of her "album cover meme" post, and giving me something fun to do on a break!

1 comment:

  1. I Love it!! It looks like it could be a real album. Picnik is cool, no? Pass it on!
