
Monday, January 25, 2010

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I'm still not completely finished with any of my books, but I'm making some headway.  Here's an abbreviated list of what I'm reading right now.

Cleaving, by Julie Powell (the same woman who wrote Julie and Julia), followed up her bestselling memoir with another that takes place a couple of years after the first one ended.  I'll save my comments for the review, but suffice it to say this is nowhere close to endearing.

The Year of Living Biblically, by A.J. Jacobs is proving to be both informative and funny.  More informative and soul-searching than funny, but there are some great moments.

The National Association of Realtors Guide to Home Buying is, obviously, more of a reference tool than something I'm reading cover-to-cover.  But I'm getting a lot of good tips as Keith and I start our search for our first house.

And finally, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins.  I'm jumping on this bandwagon late (as usual) and I'm going pretty slowly at this point because I have so many books on my plate right now.  But I can tell this is one that's going to pick up quickly and I'm not going to want to put it down, so I better finish everything else by its library due date so I can focus on this YA futuristic thriller.

So those are four of the books currently on my list.  What are you reading?

*This weekly meme is hosted by J. Kaye's Book Blog.


  1. I've been thinking about reading The Year of Living Biblically. And I LOVE The Hunger Games! I hope you enjoy it too!

  2. Have you read Julie and Julia? If so, did you like it? I haven't read or seen it, but the movie trailer looked good. Guess I'm wondering if it's just the follow-up that you're not enjoying or everything by this author.

    I've been seeing The Year of Living Biblically off and on for a while now, along w/ some positive reviews. Maybe I should pick it up.

    I've heard great things about Hunger Games but still haven't gotten around to checking it out. Guess I'm even later to the bandwagon than you. =p

  3. I finished Julie and Julia and I really liked it. Right now I'm reading "Space" by James Michener (sp?). I picked it up because, given the vast number of books in this house,I couldn't find any other fiction downstairs that I hadn't read recently. Next up is an sf/fantasy by Anne McCaffrey called Nimishia's Ship, which I hope I left at one of my jobs because I can't find it at home.

    Last year I went to a lecture by the author of The Year of Living Biblically. He was really interesting, and it was a serious project for him.

  4. Jo: I did read Julie and Julia (review here: I actually really liked it. I thought Julie was funny and realistic. I couldn't finish the movie because they watered her down so much. This book just has some elements in it that I find horrendous so I'm having a hard time feeling sympathy for her.

    I'll post reviews to all 3 that you mentioned, so check back if you're interested!

  5. I'm late also, lol. I have Hunger Games on my list this year to read.

    Here is my post.

  6. I personally won't bother with anything else by Julie Powell. I just couldn't get through Julie and Julia.

    I have The Hunger Games on hold at the library to pick up this week. I"m excited. Now if I could just finish my other two books I have out first.

  7. I LOVED The Hunger Games! Hope you enjoy it too! I haven't read Julie and Julia, but hope to soon. I'll look forward to your review of Cleaving.

  8. I really look forward to your thoughts on Julie Powell latest book.

  9. Oooh, The Hunger Games captured me, and I'm still on the edge of my seat waiting for the final book of the trilogy to come out later this year. I hope you enjoy!
