
Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm Back

So it's been awhile....sorry about that.  As is turns out, I really needed a break from the blogging world.  It was beginning to feel more like a job than something I did for fun, so I quit cold turkey.  Now that I've had a little space, I've thought it over and decided to go back to my original blog idea, which was a space for me to post book reviews, recipes, and random updates from my life.  Much of this I did before, but now it will be sans memes and challenges (for the most part).  As much as I love the book blogging community, it's just not something I feel I can keep up with right now.  That's not to say I won't participate from time to time when the mood strikes, but for the most part, this is going to be a much more personal blog.

I realize this may cost me followers (if my extended absence hasn't already) but I'm okay with that.  If you're here already, I hope you'll stick around.  Like I said, not too much is going to change.  I just don't feel the need or have the motivation to try and promote my blog through everyone else's challenges and weekly memes.

So with that said, I don't know how often I'll be posting, but I hope to get back into the full swing of things.  I've read three great books and would love to tell you about them, as well as done a lot towards making our new house a home, and I'm having fun with some new (or variations of old) recipes.  Until next time, enjoy the new background and template (Blogger has really stepped up their game!).


  1. Welcome back to the blogging world. I took a long break from blogging myself, so I completely understand. You just have to do what makes you happy. And good work on the new look.

  2. Welcome back! I, for one, don't read (or blog) any of those weekly memes anyway - so your blog is better for leaving them out, in my opinion. ;)

  3. Glad you are back - I know exactly what you mean. When I started doing everything for someone else and not for me, it got to be taxing. Now, I am going to read what I want, post reviews, do memes if I want, and enjoy what I am doing. I am glad you are reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - I loved it.

  4. Glad you're back. I've missed your blog.
