
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy Read-a-Thon Day!

I'll be updating this post throughout the day, so check back for updates! You can also follow me on Twitter.

Hour 15

Well guys, that's it for me. Time to head to bed to ward off any more illnesses. I'll probably listen to a bit of my audio book, The Mark of Zorro, and I might still make an appearance on Twitter, but I won't be blogging anymore tonight. Good luck to the rest of you read-a-thon-ers still going strong!

Total pages read: 110
Total mini-challenges completed: 8

Hour 13

It's time for the mid-event survey!

1) How are you doing? I'm sleepy, but mainly because I'm getting over a cold and didn't sleep well the past two nights.
2) What have you finished reading? Unfortunately, I haven't finished a single book.
3) What is your favorite read so far? I've only been reading Rules of Civility, but it's A-mazing. I don't even want to crack open another book.
4) What about your favorite snacks? Those have been pretty lackluster so far. I'm about to break out some chocolate, though!
5) Have you found any new blogs? Not yet. I'm only just really getting ready to buckle down, now that the baby is in bed.

Mid-event stats
Total books read: 0
Total pages read: 70
Total number of mini-challenges completed: 7

Hour 12

Whew. Emily's in bed (although I just heard a whimper so who knows for how long) and the husband is currently sleeping, trying to break through this fever. Poor guy. I, on the other hand, am looking forward to finally focusing on some reading.

As part of the Literacy Mini-Challenge, I'd like to share a photo with you of quite possibly the youngest read-a-thon-er: my daughter Emily. Here she is helping mommy pick out her next YA book. Poor girl hasn't gotten the hang of keeping her eyes open through the flash yet.

She absolutely loves books and being read to. Her eyes light up when she sees a book, and we make sure to leave plenty out at her level so she can grab one whenever she wants.

Hour 9

After a trip the grocery store and taking care of the hubs and the babe, I'm back to it. Haven't gotten much reading in today, but I'm doing what I can and really enjoying Rules of Civililty.

Munching on: Apple smoked gouda cheese cubes
Listening to: Rain hitting the windows
Books finished: 0
Total pages read: 36
Total mini-challenges completed: 5

Hour 5

Well, I forgot that I needed to get dinner going in the crockpot. But after that was done, I finally got to do some reading. And I'm only stopping now to tell you that Rules of Civility by Amor Towles is beautifully written and I can't stop highlighting passages like this one:

"Which is just to say, be careful when choosing what you're proud of - because the world has every intention of using it against you." - page 37

Books finished: 0
Pages read: 19
Total mini-challenges completed: 4

Hour 4

Finally! Emily's down for a nap so it's time to start reading! But first, let's catch up.

Introductory Questionnaire

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I'm in Indiana!
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Probably Rules of Civility, since it's my book club pick and the writing is SO GOOD (I'm only on the first chapter).
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? I still have to go to the grocery store today at some point, but I'd have to say hot chocolate.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Oh, let's see. I have a 9 month old daughter, a 4 year old puppy, and a wonderful husband. I'm taking care of all three today (husband is sick, boo) so my reading time will be very intermittent.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what's one thing you'll do different today? Probably try to split up my reading between my main novel and some shorter stories. My brain will need the break!

Mini-Challenge: Snacks

I haven't eaten anything but breakfast yet today and I don't really have a plan for snacks. It's more a see-what's-in-the-fridge-and-eat-it kind of day. But here's a snapshot of breakfast this morning: grown-up breakfast and baby breakfast!

Mini-Challenge: Oldies But Goodies

For this mini-challenge we're asked to say which classic book we think all high school students should read and why. There are so many to choose from that it's hard to pick just one, but I'm going to go with my favorite, Gone With the Wind. Not only is it a classic, but it brings the history of the Civil War to life in a way that history books just can't. Reading about Scarlett O'Hara makes history come alive and gives kids of the 21st century a glimpse into what life was really like.

Alright guys, I'm off to get some reading done!

Hour 1

Good morning! I'm either a) sleeping or b) taking care of the baby. Either way, I'll be around later and ready to start reading it up!


  1. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on RULES. I started it, and then it wasn't quite keeping my interest ... then I bought it for my Kindle. Go figure! :) Happy Readathon Day! #cheerTamales

  2. Yeah for Rules. I am going to read it this month some time. Uh oh for your hubby being sick.

    Gone with the wind has been gracing my bookshelf since many years now, time I pick it up someday.

  3. I thought Rules of Civility was lovely too! It reminded me so much of The Great Gatsby. Happy Readathon!

  4. I am here to cheer you on during this read-a-thon so remember just keep on keepin' on...Go Go Go!!! #cheertamales P.S. I love how the crock pot let's you set it and forget it.

  5. Good luck and keep up the good reading! I know it's tough when other people are relying on you, but catch as much time as you can for yourself. Happy readathon! :) #cheertamales

  6. Glad to hear you're enjoying Rules of Civility; I read it earlier this year and really liked it, too. Keep up the great reading! :)

  7. Hooray for cozy rainy reading weather! Hope you've been able to settle in and get some reading done :)

  8. I really do want to read Rules of Civility! Hope everything is still going well!

    Read all day
    Read all night
    Read that book
    'Til the morning light!


  9. Happy Half way!

    I hope you are having a great readathon!


  10. what a little sweetie! the roots go deep for a love of something learned this young.

    thanx for participating in The Literacy Challenge
